2018 NEON Observing School
The 2018 NEON Observing school will take place in Asiago Observatory in Northern Italy from September 9 to September 22, 2018. During the school we will use the 1.8 metre, 1.22 metre and 92cm/67cm telescopes.
During this two week school you will plan observation, observe with professional 1-2 metre telescopes, and reduce and analyse data. All this will be done with a help of an experienced tutor. The school also includes lectures on topics related to telescopes and observing techniques.
The school is primarily meant for PhD students in Astronomy, who do not have prior experience in observing with professional 1-2 metre class telescopes. MSc students in the latestages of their thesis work, and young PostDocs who do not have observing experience, can also be concidered.
If you are interested in hands-on observing experience, and learning all the steps from planning the observations to reducing the data, this school is perfect for you. The application deadline for this school is Friday April 6, and the applicants will be notified about the selection by Wednesday May 8.