Hot Topics Conference

Are you interested in learning about the current 'hot topics' in astrophysics from experts? Do you want to learn to write observing time proposals? Do you want to get an insight on how to write scientific papers? We will cover all these topics in the 2019 Hot Topics conference, which will be organised 23-29 September, 2019 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The lectures during the Hot Topics conference will cover exoplanets, stellar astrophysics, transient sky science, multi-wavelength studies and future space missions. There will also be sessions on proposal and paper writing and group work related to observing time proposals. The event will take place during the second week of the 2019 NEON Observing school. This will enable you to interact with even more students from various places in Europe and elsewhere. 

If you are interested in the newest developments in astrophysics, this school is perfect for you. The school is primarily meant for PhD students, but also MSc students in the late stages of their thesis work can be considered. The application deadline for this event was May 10, 2019, and the applicants will be notified about the selection in early June.